A call for donations: Solidarity Campaign with the workers of Iran!
The murder of Jina Mahsa Amini on September 16, assassinated by the morality police for an ill-fitting veil, triggered a popular uprising unprecedented in its scope, depth and duration. In less than 48 hours, the slogan “Woman, Life, Freedom” spread throughout the country, and the world, like wildfire. This groundswell marks a radical break with the Islamic Republic and a refusal of the return of a monarchic regime.
The demonstrators tirelessly demand the fall of the Islamic Republic. This radical protest movement brings together women, youth, national minorities and workers in a radical rejection of the capitalist, theocratic and misogynistic regime of the mullahs.
The uprising has been going on for a long time and has affected more than 160 cities, large and small. In the face of this, the authorities have launched a ferocious repression. More than 500 deaths, thousands of injured, more than 22000 prisoners and missing persons, kidnappings, torture and rapes... the barbarity of this regime has no limit. The judiciary pronounces heavy sentences against people who have demonstrated, some are sentenced to death and executed in the aftermath.
To send donations :
Please indicate “Solidarité avec les travailleurs Iraniens”
Donations can be given by cheques (in euros only, payable in France), direct bank transfers to our account.
check in euros only, payable in France, to be sent to:
Bank Account :
CCM Paris Reuilly St Antoine
2, rue de Reuilly
75012 Paris
compte n° 00020637801
Banque : 10278
Indicatif :06069
N° de compte : 00020637801
Clé : 64
Account holder : Solidarité avec les travailleurs Iraniens
International bank account details :
IBAN : FR 76 10278 06069 0002063780164
Account holder : Solidarité avec les travailleurs Iraniens